6 Most Memorable Scenes In Practical Magic


  • Practical Magic offers a mix of fantasy, romance and dark humor that resonates with audiences.

  • Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock return in Practical Magic 2, drawing on the powerful themes of love, loss and acceptance.

  • The film expertly balances magic with real-life emotions, showing the strength of brotherhood and personal growth.


practical magic It has many memorable scenes throughout the story thanks to an intricate fantasy script and a romantic plot that has something for everyone. Starring Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock as Gillian and Sally Owens, a pair of twins who belong to a family of witches, the film addresses serious themes about love, loss and acceptance, both internal and external. As a female-led narrative, the film is pigeonholed as a romantic comedy, but it is much more than that and has become something of a cult classic among viewers who have found it streaming in recent years.

It’s still unknown what the next version of the story will hold, but it will be interesting to see if the plot continues with Sally’s daughters.

Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock will return in Practical magic 2, the long-awaited sequel that has gained momentum thanks to the original film’s recent resurgence in popularity. It’s still unknown what the next version of the story will hold, but it will be interesting to see if the plot continues with Sally’s daughters. practical magic is about Owens’ curse that a man who falls in love with the women of the family is destined to die, but the film manages to solve it. However, the curse could rear its head for the next generation.

tonally, practical magic is something different than what viewers might expect, as the story and actors are not afraid to go dark. However, this darkness is often subverted and played for laughs, as the film converses with the genres it interacts with. With equal moments of joy and pain, practical magic is as realistic a depiction of pain and personal growth as a story about witches can be. Looking back at the moments that made the film stand out in cultural memory, it’s easy to see why audiences are excited to return to the world of Sally and Gillian.

6 This kiss scene

One of the best parts of the movie thanks to the iconic needle drop.


In one of the best needle drops in cinema, practical magic includes “This Kiss” by Faith Hill in the scene with Salyl and her first husband. The happiness and perfection of this moment becomes even more poignant later, when Sally loses her husband and is overcome with grief. However, this type of juxtaposition is what the film excels at more than anything, as there can be no highs without an equal amount of lows. Later, when Sally breaks up with Gary (Aidan Quinn), the same feeling is evoked thanks to the impact of the “This Kiss” scene.

It’s the kind of moment that romantic comedies and romantic movies of all kinds try to emulate.

While Sally and Gillian’s relationship is the most important in the film, Sally’s journey to finding love and then letting it back into her life after experiencing loss is incredibly impactful. When Sally discovers that the reason she fell in love with her first husband was because her aunts cast a love spell on her, it’s devastating. However, the magic of her first kiss is obvious. It’s the kind of moment that romantic comedies and romantic movies of all kinds try to emulate. This is because it demonstrates a clear connection and capitalizes on the fantasy of romantic love in film.

5 Sally rescuing Gillian from Jimmy

The bond between Sally and Gillian is what gets them into this situation, but it also saves them.


Since they were little, all Gillian and Sally have is each other. Although they respond to her grief differently, they make a pact that they will always be there for each other when Gillian leaves home in search of love. Unfortunately, Gillian is mistreated in many relationships, and this goes to the point of suffering physical abuse from Jimmy (Goran Visnjic). Gillian approaches Sally and her sister immediately comes to her aid and takes her home. Of course, things quickly go wrong and Gillian and Sally end up dealing with Jimmy’s vengeful spirit throughout the story.

However, this plot point is vitally important in communicating the strength of the bond between the sisters. Although Sally has two daughters at home and a life of her own, there is nothing she wouldn’t do for Gillian and she drops everything to make sure she doesn’t get hurt. This familial connection is emphasized throughout the film, and the chemistry between Kidman and Bullock is instrumental in achieving the sister dynamic. It’s their attempt to escape Jimmy that puts them in the most danger, but also leads them both to find lives that bring them happiness they never thought possible.

Practical magic Gillian and Sally with the Rotten Tomatoes logo behind them
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4 Bringing Jimmy back to life

After fending off Jimmy, the sisters try to bring him back.


Gillian and Sally try to revive Jimmy because they don’t want to go down for a crime of self-defense.

No matter the movie, raising someone from the dead is one of the fundamental magical rules that cannot be broken. Through the magical means and systems of fiction, once someone dies, there is no way to bring them back to the land of the living. If the characters succeed in this, the person returns wrong and drastically altered from who he was. In the case of Jimmy in practical magic, the person he was is not good to begin with. Gillian and Sally try to revive Jimmy because they don’t want to go down for a crime of self-defense.

The best magic systems in fantasy movies, like practical magic, do a great job of balancing the risks and rewards of magic. The witches in the story are not in complete control of everything, and Sally and Gillian often face serious consequences for misusing magic. During the resurrection scene, the film’s atmosphere is sinister, but the power the two women share is palpable. It is a tonal turning point in the film since until then, sadness and pain were the darkest parts of the story, but now the characters have been involved in a serious crime.

3 midnight margaritas

A key moment of union and love between generations in the family.


Sally and Gillian’s aunts, Frances (Stockard Channing) and Jet (Dianne Wiest), are an essential part of Sally and Gillian’s upbringing, as they come to live with them as children when their parents die. While Sally is the most serious and stubborn of her sisters, she is just as capable of letting loose and having fun, as shown when the family makes midnight margaritas. Everyone has the opportunity to talk honestly and share how they felt about letting go of their adult responsibilities for a night. It’s important to Sally, whose journey is to find joy in her life again.

The daisy scene comes at an important moment in practical magic, as it is a breath of fresh air after the intensity of Jimmy’s death and his attempted resurrection. He also illustrates how the bond of sisterhood is inextricable from their family, and the aunts are as connected as Sally and Gillian are. Their relationship is a window into how Sally and Gillian might behave in the future, as well as Sally’s daughters. Although the scene quickly turns to anger and foreshadows the continued threat of Jimmy’s spirit, it features another iconic song and shows the fun side of the film.

2 The women of the city who form the coven

They save Gillian from being possessed and Sally realizes she wants to share magic with her daughters.


After her husband’s death, Sally withdraws from life and although she tries to be there for her daughters, it is hard for her. She blames magic for the death of her husband and tries to keep her daughters away from her at all costs. Sally’s fear and shame at being a witch inadvertently impacts her daughters, and she continues the cycle of unhappiness started by her ancestors many years ago. However, when Jimmy’s spirit possesses Gillian and her life is at stake, Sally has no choice but to accept herself and her power and show it to the world.

Although they loved each other and their aunts very much, the other women in the town rejected them for being witches.

Female empowerment is at the center of practical magic, but this support is something missing in Sally and Gillian’s lives. Although they loved each other and their aunts very much, the other women in the town rejected them for being witches. However, this all changes when Sally recruits everyone who asked her and her aunts to cast spells to form a coven to generate the power to exorcise Jimmy’s spirit from Gillian’s body. It’s a beautiful moment of unity, as Sally can only save her beloved sister by trusting others and trusting herself.

Practical magical ending explained
Related Practical Magic Ending Explained

The cult classic Practical Magic has a happy ending, but with a sequel on the way, it’s worth revisiting the story and what that ending entailed.

1 Taking flight on the roof

The final moment of the film is when Sally and Gillian are embraced by their community.


practical magic It’s as much about self-acceptance and feeling loved in a community as it is about spells and romance. Throughout the film, Sally rejects her abilities as a witch for many reasons, but one of the most important is the treatment she and Gillian face from her peers. The other members of her small town ostracize them in a way that mirrors the infamous Salem Witch Trials. While Gillian revels in this difference and pushes the bullies away from her to embrace herself, Sally wants to be part of the community thanks to her daughters.

However, at the end of the film, Sally and Gillian not only feel empowered to show their true selves in their town, but also to heal the hardships they have faced. They climb to the roof of their iconic farm with their aunts and Sally’s daughters, dressed as classic Halloween witches. During this scene, Sally’s famous voiceover plays, concluding the story with one of the best quotes from practical magic. The audience is left with a satisfying happy ending and the characters have successfully developed into the most complete versions of themselves.

Practical Magic - Poster - Sandra Bullocak and Nicole Kidman

Practical Magic PG-13 Dramatic Comedy-Drama Where to Watch

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Director Griffin Dunne Release Date October 16, 1998 Writers Alice Hoffman, Robin Swicord, Akiva Goldsman, Adam Brooks Cast Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock, Stockard Channing, Dianne Wiest, Goran Visnjic, Aidan Quinn, Evan Rachel Wood, Mark Feuerstein Running Time 104 minutes

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