9 Mistborn Storylines The Movies Can’t Afford To Cut From The Books

Includes SPOILERS for the Cosmere book universe, including The Stormlight Archive and Mistborn Era 2.

A Mistborn movie adaptation will have tons of material to weed through, but there are certain storylines it can’t afford to cut. The Mistborn fantasy series is Brandon Sanderson’s most widely read and arguably most beloved work, so it’s no surprise that it’s the first project of his that’s being pushed toward a big screen adaptation. While current Mistborn movie updates are dicey, Sanderson has expressed that it’s only a matter of time before his stories are adapted, leaving plenty of room for speculation.

Adapting Mistborn comes with inherent advantages, but there’s also a ton of pressure on the films to succeed. An adaptation of The Final Empire would be the foundation not only for Mistborn sequels but also for the Cosmere fantasy universe being brought to the screen. Typically, a fantasy movie adaptation would have to shed some additional weight, but the Mistborn movie constructing the basis for a larger cinematic universe means certain narratives can’t just be removed. Kelsier and company taking on The Lord Ruler is a given, but there are minor story threads that are equally essential.

9 Marsh Becoming A Steel Inquisitor In The Final Empire

Marsh Is Vital To Mistborn With Minimal Appearances

Mistborn Steel Inquisitors

Throughout the Mistborn book series, Marsh is arguably the most impactful character to have such minimal narrative time. He’s an unforgettable figure in the original trilogy for his role at the end of The Hero of Ages, but in retrospect, he’s barely in the series. Marsh’s infiltration of the Steel Ministry seems like a plotline an adaptation of The Final Empire could gloss over, but it’s one of the most important in the first book.

Marsh is too important for the series’ long-term plans to be ignored or simplified.

Of course, Marsh needs to be put in a position to fight for Ruin in the third volume of the series, but he also has a crucial, lasting Cosmere impact. Marsh’s dynamic with Kelsier and their love triangle from The Final Empire is vital to both characters’ narratives, but it seems to be setting up a long-term narrative through future Mistborn books in Era 3, given that both have remained alive over the course of centuries but barely appeared in Mistborn Era 2. Marsh is too important for the series’ long-term plans to be ignored or simplified.

8 Elend’s Leadership Lessons With Tindwyl In The Well Of Ascension

The Well Of Ascension’s Slow Start Is Worthwhile

Mistborn Koloss

Brandon Sanderson’s books are known for their slow-burn story arcs, and The Well of Ascension is one of his novels that takes the longest amount of time to really get going. Elend Venture is made king after The Final Empire, and one of the sequel’s most important arcs sees him forced to reckon with his youthful idealism, with Tindwyl being introduced as his harsh but overall caring mentor.

Mistborn's-Movie-Adaptation-Could-Solve-Its-Biggest-Challenge-With-An-Increasing-Fantasy-Trend Related Mistborn’s Movie Adaptation Could Solve Its Biggest Challenge With An Increasing Fantasy Trend

Adapting Mistborn’s magic system will be the film’s hardest task, but it’s one that can be fixed if it turns to a rising trend in fantasy adaptations.

This is one of the narratives in the original Mistborn trilogy that can get a bit tedious, as Elend seems to continuously make the same mistakes, and Tindwyl hammers him with repeated lessons. Ultimately, this subplot is crucial for two reasons: Elend developing the chops to finally overcome his father, paving the way for him to become a Mistborn in The Hero of Ages, and preparing Tindwyl as a character, resulting in her tragic death at the end of The Well of Ascension, leading to Sazed’s arc in the third book.

7 The Lord Ruler’s Origin Story In The Final Empire

The Mystery Of The Lord Ruler Is Essential For The First Movie To Work

The Lord Ruler with spears impaling him from Mistborn Spanish illustrated edition

This subplot is one that mostly pertains to successfully delivering the essence of The Final Empire. The Lord Ruler is one of the most fascinating antagonists in the Cosmere universe, and much of that is due to how Sanderson unfolds the mystery surrounding the character. Details about Rashek are mostly discovered through Sazed’s scholarly pursuits, meaning the adaptation will likely need to find an alternate way to present the necessary information.

The Final Empire
won’t work if The Lord Ruler isn’t portrayed with the same larger-than-life aura he has in the novel.

This is where book-to-movie adaptation can get dicey. Sure, The Lord Ruler’s origin story can be told in flashbacks, but the way it’s presented needs to follow a similar pacing to how it does in the book to offer the same mystery appeal. Consider Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as a movie that executes a similar premise. Though it may be a challenge to fit seamlessly into the film, The Final Empire won’t work if The Lord Ruler isn’t portrayed with the same larger-than-life aura he has in the novel.

6 Vin’s Backstory With Reen & Her Mother Needs To Be Explained

Every Detail Of Vin’s Origin Story Is Needed

The covers of the original Mistborn trilogy: The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, and The Hero of Ages Custom Image by Simone Ashmoore

One of Vin’s most important stories is never actually shown in Mistborn, but rather handled internally through descriptions of her memories. Reen’s voice in her head is an irreplaceable aspect of her character growth that later ties to a major plot twist, which is that it’s been Ruin’s voice manipulating her the entire time. Not to mention, the origin of Vin’s earring being tied to her mother becomes part of the climactic plot twist for The Hero of Ages.

The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages cover books with background hearts movie reel imagery Related The Mistborn Movie Needs To Cut The Books’ Most Uncomfortable Romance

A Mistborn movie series needs to be faithful to Brandon Sanderson’s source material, but there’s one romantic subplot that really has to go.


Of course, including Vin’s backstory is essential, given that she’s the main character. However, it would be very easy to gloss over some of the details, especially to avoid exposition at the start of a movie. Nothing related to Vin’s origin can be skipped, and presenting it all as early as possible will heighten the impact of the eventual twists.

5 Sazed Studying Different Religions Throughout Mistborn

Religion & Spirituality Are Crucial To The Cosmere’s Themes

Book covers from the Mistborn series Custom image by Yeider Chacon

A trope of Brandon Sanderson’s books is having protagonists who are scholars, and it creates a charming way of relaying the world’s information to the reader. Rather than just being told things, the audience is able to share in the excitement of a character who’s also discovering that exposition at the same time. Aside from Sazed being the actual Hero of Ages, his studies are the most enjoyable parts of his POV chapters, giving the reader perspective when diving into the lore of Scadrial.

While all of that may be true for reading, much of the information may need to be translated differently on film. This is especially the case with Sazed’s studies of various religions, which are ultimately significant to him becoming the Hero of Ages and later Harmony. The thematic exploration of spirituality is a major element not only in Mistborn but in all of Cosmere’s stories, and the films shouldn’t shy away from embracing these aspects.

4 Kelsier Technically Surviving The Final Empire

Mistborn: Secret History’s Events Need To Be Adapted Too

Kelsier art from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series

Kelsier’s survival of The Final Empire’s climax technically isn’t fully revealed until the novella Mistborn: Secret History, which details his path back to life. It’s not crucial for a trilogy of Mistborn movies to bring Kelsier back, but it’s crucial for the Cosmere universe as a whole, as Sanderson has been weaving his return for a long time to have him be a long-term character in the overarching Scadrial narrative. Kelsier has already had an influence on The Stormlight Archive and Mistborn Era 2.

Kelsier, Vin, and The Lord Ruler from Mistborn Related 10 Most Powerful Mistborn Characters, Ranked

The characters in Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn saga vary significantly in power, from Mistborn to Inquisitors to Shards of the Cosmere.

Having such a pivotal story told in a novella makes it a bit difficult to translate to the screen. Kelsier could be shown in a post-credit scene in classic Marvel Cinematic Universe fashion, revealing that he’s not quite dead, but it might confuse audiences if he doesn’t return for a long time. The best way to handle this might be to have post-credits scenes after each Mistborn movie, splitting the most essential moments from Secret History.

3 Hoid’s Appearances In The Mistborn Trilogy

A Mistborn Movie Needs To Subtly Introduce Hoid

A split image of books: Mistborn: The Final Empire, Stormlight Archive: The Way of Kings, and Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson.

Possibly even more important than making sure Kelsier’s return is handled in the Mistborn trilogy is making sure audiences are introduced to Hoid. The original Mistborn books are vital to the Cosmere, but they’re notably non-reliant on readers having read the other novels, while The Stormlight Archive and Mistborn Era 2 offer far more Easter eggs and connections to other Sanderson stories. But Hoid, the Worldhopper meddling with events around the fantasy universe, appears in both The Final Empire and The Hero of Ages.

Working Hoid into a film subtly is important, as his scenes should be notable enough that audiences remember him when he returns later on but not stand out enough to be distracting.

Hoids moments in those early novels are easy enough to miss for someone who’s new to Brandon Sanderson’s books. At the time they were published, Hoid had previously appeared in Elantris, as the author had already begun to lay the foundation for his future connected universe. Working Hoid into a film subtly is important, as his scenes should be notable enough that audiences remember him when he returns later on but not stand out enough to be distracting.

2 Kelsier’s Crew Are All Important To The Story

No Crew Member Left Behind

Wax and Wayne from the cover of Alloy of Law Custom image by Debanjana Chowdhury

Typically, when fantasy novels are adapted into feature films, it’s the side characters who suffer the most. With Mistborn, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to see the likes of Dockson, Breeze, and Hammond get bunched together or not really receive much attention. Breeze and Hammond are terrific supporting characters early on for introducing readers to Mistborn elements, and they could serve a similar function in the film, but it’d be upsetting to see the crew relegated entirely to comedic relief and exposition.

Spook is another character whose role is pretty minor early on but ends up being one of The Hero of Ages’ unforgettable arcs. Sanderson is such a master at forming slow, multi-novel character arcs, even for his supporting cast, that removing or oversimplifying anyone would be a loss for the film. While someone will likely get the short end of the stick, minimizing character reduction is always ideal.

1 Every Form Of Magic In Mistborn

Mistborn’s Magic Is Complicated To Keep Track Of


The Mistborn magic system can be one of the most challenging aspects of the books to follow, as it’s so meticulous and mechanical, with each book piling on more to it. Allomancy alone offers a series of metal uses, each with different functions that can be hard to follow in action. But understanding a Mistborn’s powers isn’t enough, as the climactic plot twist of The Final Empire also requires the reader to understand Feruchemy.

By the time The Hero of Ages comes around, Hemalurgy is also thrown into the mix and becomes a consequential part of the narrative. Sanderson is revered for his magic systems, and each volume contributes something new to these ideas. In Mistborn Era 2, things grow even more complicated with these abilities combining. It’d be tough for a film to keep audiences updated on all of this information, but it’s worth the time to contribute reasoning to the epic action.

Mistborn: The Final Empire (2006) Book Cover Mistborn

The Mistborn series, created by Brandon Sanderson, is a high-fantasy saga set in the world of Scadrial, where magic is powered by metals through a system called Allomancy. The series focuses on political intrigue, heists, and the battle between good and evil. The first trilogy, Mistborn: The Final Empire, follows the struggle to overthrow a tyrannical ruler, the Lord Ruler. Later books in the series, including Era 2, take place hundreds of years after the events of the original trilogy, expanding the story into new settings with new characters, all while maintaining connections to the original storyline.Books:Mistborn: The Final Empire (2006)Mistborn: The Well of Ascension (2007)Mistborn: The Hero of Ages (2008)Mistborn: The Alloy of Law (2011)Mistborn: Shadows of Self (2015)Mistborn: The Bands of Mourning (2016)Mistborn: The Lost Metal (2022)

Created by Brandon Sanderson Character(s) Vin , Kelsier , Sazed , Marsh , Elend Venture , Waxillium “Wax” Ladrian , Wayne , Steris Harms

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