Connor Mcdavid Wife, Connection To Lauren Kyle An Interior Designer

Canadian star Connor McDavid, 27, is set to marry his longtime girlfriend, Lauren Kyle, on July 27 at an undisclosed location. McDavid, a famous ice hockey player, and Kyle, a successful interior designer, have been together since 2016. The couple’s journey from a chance meeting at their birthday party a friend’s arrival in planning their wedding attracted many people. McDavid, with a net worth of about $30 million, and Kyle, who runs her own design firm, Kyle & Co. Design Studio, has built a life filled with love and mutual support.

How did they meet?

Connor McDavid and Lauren Kyle first met in 2016 at a mutual friend’s birthday party. The introduction was orchestrated by McDavid’s cousin and his teammates. “We were matched by my cousin and his teammates!” Kyle shared in an Instagram Story. Their relationship was instant and they have been inseparable ever since. When reflecting on their relationship, Kyle said, “We dated eight years ago and the rest is history.”

Lauren Kyle’s career

Lauren Kyle has established herself as a famous interior designer. She splits her time between Edmonton and Toronto, working on a variety of projects through her company, Kyle & Co. Design Studio. The studio is described as a “full service design studio”, showcasing Kyle’s comprehensive approach to design. Her work not only showcases her talent but also her dedication to creating beautiful and functional spaces.

Engagement and wedding planning

The couple announced their engagement last summer with a series of romantic photos on social media. Since then, wedding preparations have been underway, with Kyle taking the lead. “I have to make sure my boys are all dressed up, looking good, and walking down the aisle on time,” McDavid revealed. He shared his responsibilities with GQ, adding, “That’s been my role so far. Lauren may ask for help as we get a little closer. But so far, it’s been easy.”

Wedding dress

Connor McDavid chose suits from Montreal-based clothing brand Maison Cloakroom for his wedding party. “I’m going to get all the guys some nice black suits to look good on the big day,” he says. Initially, there was talk of lighter suits to suit a summer wedding, but they ultimately decided on a more traditional look. “I was suggesting something a little lighter rather than a black suit. But in the end, Lauren wanted something a little more traditional, and that’s the route we went,” McDavid explains.

Keep entertainment secret

The couple decided to keep details about their wedding private until the big day. McDavid humorously noted, “Oh, if Lauren finds out I told everyone, she’ll be angry. She wants to keep it a secret for everyone that will be there.” This element of surprise added a touch of excitement to their special day.

Epic bachelor party

In April, Lauren Kyle celebrated her upcoming nuptials with a memorable bachelorette party in France. The trip was attended by several of McDavid’s teammates, making it an epic event. Among those in attendance were Leon Draisaitl’s longtime girlfriend Celeste Desjardins, Ryan McLeod’s partner Alexie Andlauer, and Sam Gagner’s wife Rachel Gagner. The group enjoyed their time in France, creating unforgettable memories before Kyle’s wedding.


One of the special roles at the wedding will be played by Sam Gagner’s 4-year-old daughter, Cali, as flower girl. Including close friends and family in such roles emphasizes the couple’s desire for an intimate and cherished celebration. As the day approaches, anticipation will increase surrounding what is sure to be a beautiful and heartfelt ceremony.


Connor McDavid and Lauren Kyle’s upcoming wedding marks an important milestone in their journey together. Their story, filled with love and support for each other, resonated with many people. As they prepare to exchange vows, their careful preparations and the love they share promise to make their wedding day unforgettable. With Kyle’s design expertise and McDavid’s support, this event will be a beautiful reflection of their relationship. The anticipation surrounding their wedding, from the outfits to the entertainment, highlighted the excitement and joy shared by their friends, family and fans.

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