Cyril Ramaphosa Takes Oath, Wife Tshepo Motsepe Attends Swearing-In Ceremony

Cyril Ramaphosa, at 71, has been a key figure in South African politics for decades. He is an undisputed leader of the African National Congress (ANC). The party was a major player in various phases of the apartheid era as well as South Africa’s current democracy. On 19 June 2024, Ramaphosa was sworn in for the second time as president of South Africa, marking the longevity of his presidency.

What happened in the recent election?

With the general election taking place on 29 May 2024, the ANC was faced with a matter of serious concern. For the first time in 30 years, the ANC failed to win an absolute majority in Parliament, winning an average of only 159 seats out of 400. This result is very important, signaling a change in the trend of South African voters. However, despite the defeat, Ramaphosa was elected on 14 June, by other members of Parliament, receiving 283 votes. He defeated his biggest rival, Julius Malema of the Economic Freedom Fighters, who received 44 votes to be elected.

How did Ramaphosa react when he was re-elected?

During his official inauguration in Pretoria, President Ramaphosa delivered a speech that highlighted the importance of cooperation and unity across political and social sectors. The President pledged to work with all political parties, organisations and sectors willing to address the issues facing South Africa. In his speech, he stressed the need for national dialogue as well as the importance of forming a unity government that can deliver on the objectives of the South African National Development Plan.

What is the meaning of the Government of National Unity?

Following the results of the polls immediately after the election, the ANC revealed that five of its parties, including the Democratic Alliance, the Inkatha Freedom Party, GOOD and the Patriotic Alliance, had signed a declaration of intent to form a unified coalition in the country. The coalition is a major shift from the ANC’s past power and suggests a more affluent strategy for government in South Africa.

What are the challenges ahead for Ramaphosa?

President Ramaphosa faces a number of issues as he begins his presidency. Chief among them is the need to revive South Africa’s struggling economy, reduce high unemployment and tackle rampant corruption. In addition to his dwindling ANC majority, his leadership will be tested as his ability to govern in a unity government is assessed.

What can South Africans expect from this new term?

South Africans can look forward to a period of major change in the political landscape as the new unity government is formed. The effectiveness of the coalition in addressing the pressing issues facing our country will be crucial. The president’s call for a national dialogue and an updated social contract offer an optimistic outlook for the future and aim to bring all stakeholders together for positive, productive discussions.


Against this backdrop, as Cyril Ramaphosa begins his next term as president, the South African political landscape continues to change. A national government represents a significant change in the way the country is governed, and could be an opportunity to create more transparent and tolerant governance. The effectiveness of the coalition, and the direction it takes under President Ramaphosa, will be a key factor in shaping South Africa’s future as the country enters its third decade of independence.

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