Dantes Girlfriend, Understand Thoroughly

On June 19, 2024, popular Twitch streamer Dantes, 28, took to Twitter to announce his breakup with his girlfriend Laura Laurinchhe. With an estimated net worth of $1.5 million, Dantes has built a sizable following through his gaming streams and online content. He is not married and has no children. His tweet began with the straightforward statement, “Laura and I have broken up.”

Dantes explanation

In his lengthy and candid tweet, Dantes detailed the reasons behind their breakup. “I wasn’t ready for a relationship,” he admitted. “From the beginning, I told her that my career would be my top priority.” Dantes emphasized that he was upfront about his dedication to his career from the start. This honesty laid the foundation for their relationship, but over time, the dynamic began to shift in ways that Dantes found emotionally draining.

Laura’s dedication

Dantes noted Laura’s unwavering dedication to their relationship. He described her as knowledgeable and dedicated, always putting her best foot forward. However, he notices Laura begins to prioritize him over her career and dreams. This change, although well-intentioned, began to take a toll on Dantes. He realized that Laura’s sacrifices, even if only for love, affected his spirit.

Recognizing common love

Despite the breakup, Dantes expressed gratitude for the love and time they shared. He reflected on the positive aspects of their relationship and the special moments they had together. Dantes made a heartfelt appeal to his audience, asking them to support Laura. “I just ask that you show her your support because she has always been the one who has been so understanding and tried to get through everything for me,” he wrote. The appeal emphasized his respect and appreciation for Laura, even in the midst of their breakup.

Laura’s Response

Laura Laurinchhe, 26, responded to Dantes’ tweet with her own heartfelt message. She captioned it: “Nine months of happiness,” indicating how long their relationship had lasted. Laura expressed her displeasure, noting that she considered Dantes her top priority, which he viewed as a burden. However, she respects his decision to end the relationship. Laura’s reaction demonstrates her maturity and understanding, even in the face of a painful breakup.

Reflect on memories

Hours later, Laura tweeted again, praising Dantes for his care and support throughout their time together. She recalled that he was by her side during her worst moments, especially when she had panic attacks. Dantes’ care and support during these times meant a lot to her. Laura said she will keep the Dantes tattoos she got on her chest, symbolizing his lasting impact on her life.

Longing for friendship

Despite the breakup, Laura expressed her desire to remain friends with Dantes. Her willingness to maintain the friendship reflects the depth of their relationship and the respect she has for him. Laura’s tweets convey a sense of gratitude for the positive aspects of their relationship and hope that they will continue to receive support and understanding from each other’s followers.

A balanced perspective

While the breakup may have appeared one-sided and Laura seemed more invested, it was clear that both people had valid reasons for their actions. Dantes prioritized his career, as he has always stated, and Laura was dedicated to the relationship. Both perspectives are understandable and should not be judged harshly. Mutual respect and recognition of each other’s efforts are commendable.

Move forward

As Dantes and Laura move forward separately, those watching them will gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of their relationship. Breakups are never easy, especially when they involve public figures whose lives are closely watched. Both Dantes and Laura showed maturity and respect in handling their separation, while also setting an example for others.


The breakup between Dantes and Laura Laurinchhe was an emotional moment for their followers. Their transparency and mutual respect offer valuable lessons in handling relationships and separations gracefully. As they continue their individual journeys, the support from their fans will certainly be a source of strength. Now, both Dantes and Laura look to the future, carrying with them the lessons learned and memories shared from their time together.

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