Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader is arguably Star Wars’ greatest villain, and these 10 Darth Vader stories prove just how formidable he really was. Not only is Anakin/Darth Vader one of Star Wars’ best characters (if not the single best), but he is also absolutely essential to Star Wars’ movies and TV shows. Perhaps more than any other character, Anakin/Darth Vader massively influenced the Star Wars timeline.
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This is true not only because he was the Chosen One but also because his fall to the dark side triggered a number of events, including the near eradication of the Jedi and the establishment of the Empire. In the end, Darth Vader was of course redeemed. However, Vader did plenty of damage before his redemption in Return of the Jedi, and these 10 stories reveal just how immense his power really was.
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Darth Vader’s Warning To Ezra Bridger Was Genuinely Frightening
“Then You Will Die Braver Than Most” Is One Of Vader’s Coldest Lines
Darth Vader wasn’t a major character in Star Wars Rebels, but the scenes he was in were some of his most terrifying moments throughout Star Wars. This is certainly true of his encounter with Ezra Bridger on Malachor, during which Ezra shockingly, but bravely, taunts him. When Ezra indicates he isn’t afraid of Darth Vader, Vader says, “Then you will die braver than most.”
This line is a perfect representation of how vicious and cold Darth Vader was throughout the Dark Times. It’s also an interesting moment, because it’s rare that Darth Vader would give anyone anything close to a compliment. Of course, this ‘compliment’ was really just a threat, but it does suggest even Vader recognized how bold Ezra was being at that moment.
Despite Him Losing, Vader’s Mustafar Battle With Obi-Wan Was Epic
This Remains One Of The Best Duels In Star Wars
While it’s well-known that Darth Vader lost in his face-off against Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, this was nevertheless one of Darth Vader’s most impressive moments, in addition to being one of Star Wars’ best duels. On Mustafar, Anakin/Darth Vader proved just how much his skills had developed over the years, as he held his own against Obi-Wan. In fact, at multiple points, their fighting seems evenly matched.
Had Vader not overestimated his own power on Mustafar, it’s tough to say who would have been victorious. Vader ultimately lost because, as Obi-Wan had warned him, it was too risky to leap toward Obi-Wan when he had the high ground. Even so, Vader’s skills during this fight were obvious, and this was the first time (chronologically) that the extent of his power, anger, and hate was fully on display.
Darth Vader Marching Through The Village In Obi-Wan Kenobi Was Chilling
Vader’s Cruelty At This Moment Was Next Level
The Obi-Wan Kenobi show provided brand-new insight into what Darth Vader was like in the Dark Times, and that ultimately meant revealing that he had become even more evil and cruel than he’d been in Revenge of the Sith. In one scene in particular, Vader marched through a village while hunting for Obi-Wan, dragging and choking people at random as he went. This scene also proved that Star Wars was willing to be so much darker than it had been in the past.
During this march through the village, Darth Vader chokes a man, and his young son rushes out to help him. Without any hesitation, Vader then snaps the child’s neck. Given Revenge of the Sith hadn’t really depicted Anakin killing the younglings—although it was clear what happened—this was a major tonal change in Darth Vader’s representation in Star Wars.
Anakin Skywalker’s Complete Star Wars Timeline Explained: Chosen One Prophecy, Fall To The Dark Side, & Redemption
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader’s influence on Star Wars cannot be overstated, and this complete timeline represents all the key events in his story.
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Darth Vader Was Surprisingly Intimidating In The World Between Worlds
The Ahsoka Show Brought Darth Vader Back To Life
The Ahsoka show delighted audiences by bringing Hayden Christensen back as Anakin Skywalker, and it creatively used the World Between Worlds not only to provide incredible flashbacks such as Ahsoka Tano and Anakin during the Clone Wars but also to explore Ahsoka’s feelings about Anakin/Darth Vader in much greater detail. The scenes in which Anakin flashed between Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader in the suit were particularly brilliant.
Outside those flashes, Ahsoka brought Darth Vader after his fall but before he was nearly killed on Mustafar back to the Star Wars screen. This included Vader, with Sith eyes, marching toward Ahsoka menacingly and telling her, “You lack conviction.” Although the Darth Vader suit is one of the most terrifying images in Star Wars, these scenes managed to make Vader horrifying even when he still looked like Anakin.
Darth Vader Sending Cere Flying With A Flick Of His Wrist Was Terrifying
Some Of Darth Vader’s Best Moments Haven’t Happened In The Movies Or Shows
Star Wars has revisited Darth Vader’s character in various mediums outside of Star Wars’ movies and TV shows for quite some time now, including in books, comics, and video games, many of which are canon. One example would be the canon video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and its sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. These games introduced a host of new characters, including Cal Kestis, who has certainly become a fan favorite.
In the scenes, Darth Vader’s power is arguably at its peak, which he proves when he sends one character, Cere, flying with merely the flick of his wrist. Star Wars movies and shows have long shown how brutal Darth Vader was with Force choking characters and demonstrated his incredible lightsaber skills, but this casual demonstration of Vader’s immense power in the Force is even more terrifying. This scene is the perfect reminder that Darth Vader really is one of Star Wars’ most powerful Sith.
This casual demonstration of Vader’s immense power in the Force is even more terrifying.
The Fight Between Ahsoka And Vader In Rebels Has Become Iconic
“Then You Will Die” Is Another Terrifying Darth Vader Line
Vader’s line “Then you will die braver than most” isn’t his only brutal line on Malachor. In the same Rebels arc, Ahsoka Tano and Anakin/Darth Vader come face to face for the first time since Order 66, and Vader proves just how cold he has become. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Anakin constantly told Ahsoka he wouldn’t let anything happen to her and wouldn’t let her die.
There is a massive reversal of this in Rebels, as, when Ahsoka says she won’t leave him, Vader pauses for a second, then menacingly says, “Then you will die.” Although this is similar to what Vader said to Ezra, it has so much more impact in this case. This proved just how far Vader had fallen and how cruel he had become, as he was threatening to kill Ahsoka, a person who had been like a sister to him for years before he fell.
Darth Vader’s Betrayal Of Palpatine Was His Final Brutal Sith Act
This Incredible Darth Vader Moment Is Sometimes Overlooked
Darth Vader betraying Palpatine in Return of the Jedi to save his son is hailed as a heroic act, and it certainly is that, but this is also Vader’s last violent act as a Sith. In fact, ironically, this is the precise moment when Vader most aligns with the way of the Sith, as he has just adhered to the Sith Rule of Two by overthrowing his master. Of course, in this case, Vader did it not to become the Sith master himself, but rather to destroy Palpatine and save Luke.
Even so, it’s a brutal act, and one of Vader’s best. Vader doesn’t just kill Palpatine—he picks him up and sends him flying down a reactor shaft. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker revealed this wasn’t exactly the end for Palpatine, but this was nevertheless an incredible Darth Vader moment that revealed just how formidable he really was.
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Darth Vader’s “Dead Men” Line Was His Most Menacing
This Is Easily One Of Vader’s Best Moments
Easily one of Darth Vader’s best lines happens in the Star Wars: Vader Down comic, written by Jason Aaron and Kieron Gillen. In the comic, Vader is warned that he is surrounded, but he is clearly undaunted, as he simply replies, “All I am surrounded by is fear. And dead men.” This line is a brilliant one, and it certainly shows how badass Darth Vader really was.
Purchase Star Wars: Vader Down on Amazon
This is frequently cited as the single best Darth Vader line, which is for good reason. While Vader has had some great lines over the years, this perhaps best captures how cold he had become. This is also a moment where Vader’s ego is absolutely earned—after all, he does go on to wipe out all the men who had been threatening him.
Star Wars: The 30 Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes
As one of the most iconic villains of all time, Star Wars’ Darth Vader has spoken a lot of famous lines. But what are the best Darth Vader quotes?
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Darth Vader Pulling Down The Ship In Obi-Wan Kenobi Proved His Power
The Obi-Wan Kenobi Show Revealed Darth Vader’s Power In The Dark Times
One of the best aspects of the Obi-Wan Kenobi show was getting to see how powerful Darth Vader had become 10 years after his fall to the dark side. It’s true that his suit had made him limited in certain ways. Even George Lucas has commented on the fact that Vader would have become so much more powerful had he remained on the dark side but not suffered such serious injuries during his battle with Obi-Wan on Mustafar.
Nevertheless, it was abundantly clear in Obi-Wan Kenobi that Vader’s power had come quite a long way. This was particularly apparent when Vader managed to pull down an entire ship just with the Force. In the end, Obi-Wan had outsmarted Vader once again, as that ship was actually a decoy, and he, Leia, and the Rebels had managed to escape on another. Despite falling for that trick, Vader’s raw power was clearly on display here.
The Rogue One Hallway Scene Is Darth Vader’s Most Badass Moment
This Is Truly The Best Of Darth Vader
The single greatest Darth Vader scene of all came in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story when Vader cut his way through a hallway of Rebel fighters with ease. There are a number of factors that make this Vader’s most badass scene. For one, the lighting and ominous nature alone made this scene incredibly chilling. Beyond that, though, the almost casual way Vader cut down all these fighters makes it clear that his power was unfathomable.
Given Rogue One isn’t exactly focused on Vader, and so many other Star Wars stories have been, it’s a bit surprising that it was this movie that included his most impressive scene to date. Even so, it’s impossible to deny how incredible this scene is. Of all the badass Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader moments in Star Wars, this Rogue One scene is the absolute best.
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