Falcon College Bus Accident, How Did This Accident Happen?

In a heartbreaking incident that occurred on Sunday afternoon, a vehicle carrying students at Falcon College overturned on the Bulawayo-Esigodini Expressway, killing one student and injuring several others. The bus was carrying 56 athletes returning from a match in Harare, casting a worrying shadow over the sporting community as well as the school.

Who is the victim?

The deceased has been named as Aidan O’Donovan, a dedicated Upper Sixth student at Falcon College. Renowned for his leadership qualities and sporting ability, Aidan’s tragic death has left him, his fellow students, his family and the Falcon College community devastated. Falcon College Board of Governors Chairman Phillip Whaley has expressed his deep sadness at the loss, noting the impact his loss has had on those who knew him.

What happened in the accident?

The cause of the accident is being determined, however preliminary reports suggest that the bus was unable to control itself while traveling on a route running from Harare to Bulawayo. The accident not only took Aidan’s life but also injured many other students to varying degrees. After the accident, things became chaotic and emergency personnel arrived at the scene to assist the injured.

How was the student injured?

One of the injured, Bradley Wentzel, also a student at Falcon College, suffered a broken arm. He is being treated at Mater Dei Hospital in Bulawayo. Bradley’s parents, as well as the families of the injured students, will be with him during this challenging moment. In addition, several other students and staff members also suffered minor injuries and cuts and are being treated at the hospital where he was treated.

What support will affected families receive?

Following this tragic incident, Falcon College has taken immediate steps to assist those injured and grieving. An organised flight has been arranged for Aidan’s family members as well as Lana O’Donovan, who are travelling to Bulawayo to see their son for the last time. The school community has been asked to ensure that the O’Donovan family members are in their thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

What measures are being taken to prevent future accidents?

The exact cause of the tragedy is yet to be discovered, Falcon College and local authorities are expected to review and possibly improve safety guidelines in transporting students, especially those Participate in long-distance sports and other extracurricular events. The safety of students on these trips is vital and this tragedy provides a stark warning about the need for strict safety guidelines.

How did the community react?

The Falcon University community, along with residents of Bulawayo, has shown an outpouring of support following the tragedy. Social media forums and forums have been flooded with messages of condolences and support for the grieving families. The university has planned an event to remember Aidan. This will allow students and staff to come together to support each other through this difficult time.


The tragic loss of Aidan O’Donovan is a devastating tragedy for Falcon College. It is a devastating blow to the Falcon College community and a sadness that reminds us of the fragility of the human condition. While investigations continue to determine the cause of the tragedy and the cause of the accident, the primary focus is on providing support to those who are grieving and injured, as well as implementing stronger security measures to prevent further harm to students in the event of an incident. The road to healing may be long and difficult, but we hope that by rallying our community’s support and shared grief, the healing process will finally begin.

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