GK quiz about rivers in the world

Dear all aspirants, Jagran Josh’s GK team presents to you a set of 10 questions based on rivers of the world. In this test, we select only those questions that have been asked in several tests and may also be asked in upcoming tests. So, try this test and gauge your preparation for the upcoming exam.

1. Which of the following rivers is not in Europe?

A. Volga

B. Rajnski

C. Elba

D. Colorado

Answer: EASY

2. Which of the following lines is not collinear?

A. North America: Missourie. River

B. Asia: Mekong

C. Africa: Zaire

D. South America: Colorado

Answer: EASY

3. Which of the following rivers crosses the equator twice?

A. Zaire

B. Nile River

C. Amazon

D. Mississippi


4. The Yukon River flows into……..

A. Atlantic Ocean

B. Pacific Ocean

C. Bering Sea

D. East Sea


5. Which of the following rivers is the longest in Asia?

A. Yangtze

B. Ganges River

C. Bentar

D. Chao Phraya


GK Questions and Answers on Rivers in India

6. Which of the following rivers is arranged in the correct order of decreasing distance traveled?

A. Yangtze River>Yellow River>Mekong River>Lena River

B. Yangtze River>Yellow River>Lena River>Mekong River

C. Lena River> Mekong River> Yangtze River> Yellow River

D. Lena River> Mekong River> Yellow River> Yangtze River


7. Which of the following rivers is the longest in North America?

A. Colorado

B. Missouri-Mississippi

C. Mackenzie

D. Hudson

Answer: REMOVE

8. Which of the following is NOT true about the Amazon River?

A. It originates from the Andes. mountains

B. The second largest river in the world after the Nile River.

C. Madeira is the largest branch of the Amazon.

D. All of the above are wrong.

Answer: EASY

9. Brahmaputra River does not affect…..

A. India

B. Bhutan

C. China


Answer: REMOVE

10. Which of the following is not true about the Nile River?

A. It is the longest river in the world.

B. It flows into the Red Sea.

C. It is about 6,695 km (4,160 mi) long.

D. It is located on the African continent.

Answer: REMOVE

11. What is the longest river in the world?

A. Amazon

B. Nile River

C. Yangtze

D. Mississippi

Answer: REMOVE

12. Which river is the widest in the world?

A. Mekong

B. Yangtze

C. Nile River

D. Amazon

Answer: EASY

13. Which of the following rivers in Australia has the same name as a famous tennis player?

A. Murray River

B. Dear river

C. Fitzroy River

D. Ord River


14. Which of the following rivers flows through Paris and France?

A. Rhone River

B. Seine River

C. Loire River

D. Garonne River

Answer: REMOVE

15. Which of the following rivers is considered the lifeline of China?

A. Golden RiverB. Brahmaputra River C. Mekong RiverD. Yangtze River

Answer: EASY

1000+ GK Questions and Answers on Indian Geography

Category: Trends Source: newstars.edu.vn

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