How Does Skill Specialization Work in Last Epoch?

Previous Era

Last Epoch is an action-hack-and-slash RPG from Eleventh Hour Games (EHG), which began its journey with the release of a free trial as part of the game’s Kickstarter campaign in April 2018. The beta phase of Last Epoch was launched via Steam Early Access, and opened to eager players in April 2019.

Last Epoch was originally scheduled for full release in April 2020, but later faced a rescheduling, with its new full release target pushed back to Q4 2020. However, in October 2020, the developer was faced with the challenge of discontinuing the Mac client for the game. This decision was influenced by the expected complexity of Apple’s transition to computers equipped with ARM-based processors.

As the game’s journey continued, in December 2020, Eleventh Hour Games shared news of another delay, pushing Last Epoch’s release date back to 2021. The ever-evolving nature of game development often requires adjustments to ensure the final product is polished and engaging.

Fast forward to March 2023, and Last Epoch has taken a significant step forward by launching a multiplayer beta, opening up a new dimension for players to explore and enjoy together. This marks a critical stage in the game’s development, allowing elements to be tested and refined in a collaborative gaming environment.

Building on this momentum, an exciting announcement was made in October 2023: the full version of Last Epoch would be released on February 21, 2024. This news heightened the anticipation of the gaming community, promising a complete and immersive experience for players around the world.

Throughout its development, Last Epoch has demonstrated Eleventh Hour Games’ commitment to delivering a high-quality and engaging gaming experience. From the initial Kickstarter demo to the challenges of rescheduling and adapting to industry shifts, the game’s evolution demonstrates the development team’s resilience and dedication.

As the much-anticipated release date approaches, players can look forward to entering a rich world filled with hack-and-slash action, intricate role-playing elements, and multiplayer experiences. Last Epoch is a testament to the dynamic nature of game development, where challenges are met with innovation and delays are overcome with dedication, with the ultimate goal of providing players with an unforgettable gaming adventure.

How did skill specialization work in the last era?

In Last Epoch, skills get interesting – these cool active skills your character can use. Each skill comes with a giant skill tree, like a map of possibilities. Imagine having five skill slots at the top of the screen (press “S” to see them), waiting to be unlocked and filled as you level up.

Once you’ve unlocked the slots, you can choose a skill your character already has and put it into one of the slots. Then the real fun begins. Click on that skill and you’ll find a whole tree of options where you can spend your skill points. The cool part? These specialized skills level up on their own. Forget your character’s level – these skills grow by gaining experience from killing monsters and completing quests.

If you want to change things up, there’s a Re-Spec button in the top right corner of the Specialization screen. Click it, and you can swap to a different skill. But there’s a catch – it resets the skill level. Don’t worry too much, though. The lower-level skills will gain bonus experience to catch up to your other skills and player level.

In short, Last Epoch’s skill system lets you delve into a skill tree for each ability, with five slots waiting for you at the top. Choose a skill, upgrade it individually, and if you want to change it, hit the reassign button – just know that it will reset the skill level. This is a game of choice and evolution, where your character’s skills will grow and adapt in unique ways.

How do passive elements work in the last era?

In Last Epoch, there are three types of passive skills. First, each skill has its own set of passive skills, which are located in the skill specialty tree. When players talk about passive skills, forget about these skills – these are the skills you spend skill points in a specific tree to unlock.

Press the “P” key and you will open the passive skills window. Here you will find the passive skills for the base class and the three specialization skills that you can choose after completing Chapter 4. Let’s say you are a Sentinel – you will have the Sentinel passive skill tree, as well as the three passive skill trees for Void Knight, Forge Guard, and Paladin. Even if you choose Void Knight, you can invest up to 25 skill points into the Forge Guard and Paladin skill trees, gaining passive skills and some skills. Remember that you cannot invest points into non-specialization skill trees (except for the base class).

As you level up, you’ll gain passive points in these skill trees, and the NPCs in town with pink brain icons can reset them for you if you want to change things up. And the best part? Each spec has its own unique passive bonus. For example, Void Knight boosts void damage, while Paladin increases damage based on total health.

Feeling a little overwhelmed? Fear not! With this knowledge, you’ll confidently traverse Ettera and beyond, making skill specializations and passive trees second nature. As you enter the mid-game, mixing and matching will become your forte, making powerful, game-breaking, and incredibly fun builds. That’s the lowdown on how passive skills work in Last Epoch. Pretty simple, right?

Previous Epoch Overview

Game Name

Previous Era


Last minute game




Windows, Linux


February 21, 2024


Action role-playing, hack-and-slash


Single player, multiplayer

Skill Specialization in the Last Era

In Last Epoch, players can specialize in up to five different skills, each of which unlocks a skill tree with nodes that increase the power of the skill. These specialization slots become available at different character levels, specifically 3, 9, 19, 34, and 50. After specializing in a skill, the character gains experience points.

Each skill level grants a skill point that can be used to upgrade nodes on the skill tree. Skills can be maxed out at level 20, though certain items may allow them to exceed this limit. It is important to note that players do not necessarily have to add a profession skill to their skill bar to benefit from it.

This system encourages players to strategically choose which skills to specialize in, and invest in upgrading the chosen skills for more powerful and diverse gameplay.

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Non-specialization and minimum skill levels

In Last Epoch, players can freely downgrade skills in order to reallocate points or replace skills entirely. When skill points are removed, the skill’s current rank is reduced by one level for each point removed. This allows players to adjust skill allocation based on changing preferences or play styles.

In addition, canceling skill specializations not only reduces points, but also frees up skill slots, allowing players to introduce other skills instead. It provides a dynamic way to customize skills to match the player’s strategy or adapt to different game situations.

However, there are limits on how specialized skills can be downgraded. Each skill can only be downgraded to a minimum level to ensure that players always have the option to allocate some points in the skill tree. This limit encourages players to maintain a certain level of investment in a skill and prevents a skill from being completely de-specialized.

To regain previously available points, a skill must be re-upgraded. This means that if a player has downgraded a skill, but wishes to reinvest in it, they must gain experience points and upgrade the skill again. This mechanic adds an element of strategy, as players need to consider the consequences of downgrading a skill and the effort required to recover lost points.

Fortunately, skills in Last Epoch gain experience at an accelerated rate, and minimum skill levels increase as your character levels up. This ensures smoother progression and incentivizes players to try different skill combinations as they advance through the game. This evolving experience and skill growth helps Last Epoch provide a dynamic and engaging gaming experience.

The Last Age trailer


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