How Old is Stonehenge, Know What Is Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is a prehistoric site located on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. It is located approximately 8 miles north of Salisbury and consists of an outer band of upright sarsen standing stones measuring 13 feet high, 7 feet wide, and weighing approximately 25 tons. They are topped with horizontally joined lintel stones. Within this outer ring are smaller bluestones laid in a double arc. The site may have been used as an ancient cemetery as well as a potential ceremonial site, with construction phases ranging from 3000 BC to around 1600 BC.

Who built Stonehenge and why?

The first settlers of Stonehenge were Neolithic inhabitants of the area, but their exact names are unknown. Early theories suggested that the Druids, or Celtic high priests, were involved. However, archaeological research has shown that the Stonehenge monument is several thousand years older than them. There is a belief that the monument was built by an unlettered people, most of whom were buried in nearby mounds, suggesting that they may have been people of high status.

The function of Stonehenge remains a matter of debate. It may have been an astronomical observatory, due to its location in relation to the solstices. The northeast entrance faces sunrise on the summer solstice and the opposite direction coincides with sunset on the winter solstice. Perhaps it was once a sacred place for ancestor worship or even a healing center because of the location of the green stones that are believed to have unique therapeutic properties.

How was Stonehenge built?

The construction of Stonehenge was a remarkable feat considering the technology at the time. It is believed that giant blocks of sarsen were brought to Marlborough Downs, about 20 miles away. Smaller blocks of bluestone were sourced from the Preseli Hills of Wales about 140 miles away. Transportation would have required a series of rolling blocks of stone on logs, rafting them across waterways, and labor through organized groups of workers. Creativity in its creation points to a highly organized society that has the ability and resources to accomplish this task.

What makes Stonehenge unique?

Stonehenge is unique among European prehistoric sites for its sheer size and architectural sophistication. The concentric design is geometrically precise and the stones are placed so as to frame the solstices precisely. It can be found in a larger landscape filled with ancient monuments, such as burial mounds and other stone circles. This suggests that the site had great ceremonial significance. In contrast to other megalithic sites, Stonehenge’s distinctive stone circle with a spike remains a symbol of.

What can we learn from Stonehenge?

Stonehenge provides insight into the ritual and social practices and customs of the individuals who built Stonehenge. The alignment of the solstices suggests a connection with Nature, perhaps representing a religion that incorporated the cycles of the moon and sun along with aspects of their communal and spiritual life. The archaeological significance of the site is further enhanced by the surrounding landscape which is filled with other aspects that suggest a complex society devoted to its sacred sites.


Stonehenge remains a site of inspiration and fascination for archaeologists, historians, and even tourists. Its fascinating history, enormous size, and connection to celestial events make it an enduring symbol of human creativity and spirituality. Ongoing debate and research have helped Stonehenge survive as a fascinating historical site and historical artifact that draws people from all over the world to marvel at its connection to the European past. As we discover information about the individuals who created Stonehenge and its surroundings, we gain a better understanding of the history of humanity itself.

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