Kingdom (comic)
Kingdom is a Japanese manga series written by Yasuhisa Hara, which has been serialized in Weekly Young Jump since January 2006 and has 71 volumes as of February 2024. The series tells a fictional story of the Warring States period in China, and follows the journey of war orphan Xin and his comrades in their struggle to achieve greatness. The story aims to achieve a unified China 500 years later.
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You are watching: Kingdom Chapter 789 Release Date, Raw Scan, Spoilers, and More
The manga inspired four seasons of the anime series produced by Pierrot, with the latest season set to premiere in January 2024. The series was also complemented by live-action films released in 2019, 2022, and 2023. Notably, Kingdom has sold over 100 million copies as of November 2023, cementing its place as one of the best-selling manga series. In 2013, the manga won the Grand Prize of the Osamu Tezuka Cultural Award and has been licensed for English by Crunchyroll.
Kingdom Chapter 789 Release Date
Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Kingdom Chapter 789 as they are eager to embark on an emotional roller coaster ride of the gripping football story in the upcoming manga chapter.
The good news is that Kingdom Chapter 789 will be released on February 29, 2024. Fans around the world can expect different release dates depending on their geographical location.
As the release date approaches, fans are preparing to dive into the plot and excitement promised by the new chapter, eagerly counting down the days until they can immerse themselves in the latest installment in the Kingdom series.
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You are watching: Kingdom Chapter 789 Release Date, Raw Scan, Spoilers, and More
Kingdom Chapter 789 Plot
Loyal readers of the popular novel series Kingdom are eagerly awaiting the upcoming chapter 789. Currently, the storyline remains shrouded in mystery as no spoilers have been revealed yet, leaving readers in suspense and speculation.
Rest assured, our diligent staff is keeping a close eye on any updates and we promise to notify our readers immediately if spoilers become available. We sincerely thank our readers for their patience and unwavering support during this period of anticipation.
As the release of Kingdom Chapter 789 approaches, fans’ anticipation and curiosity continue to grow, excited for the storyline of this beloved novel series to unfold.
Kingdom Chapter 789 Raw Scan
Avid fans of the Kingdom manga series are anxiously waiting for the release of the original English scans of Chapter 789, which is scheduled to be released on February 26, 2024. As of now, no spoilers for Kingdom Chapter 789 have surfaced, which is a common phenomenon about three to four days before the official release date.
Fans are eager to dive into the latest developments in the story and explore how the story unfolds. The anticipation is palpable as they look forward to seeing the plot twists, character reveals, and strategic maneuvers that make Kingdom such a fascinating and beloved comic series.
As the release date draws closer, fans begin to discuss and speculate, fueling excitement for the upcoming chapter in this epic story.
Kingdom Chapter 788 Review
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In the ongoing battle, Guan Zuoluo failed to kill Shiliang, who was wounded by Ji Ajia. Wang Xian discovered that Guan Cheng and Zong Wang’s troops were challenging Chai Rong, and despite Wang Xian’s concerns about Li Mu’s strategy, Chai Rong continued to advance.
The Vulcan Force and Yubao were blocked, and the conflict intensified. Chai Rong was stronger than expected, posing a threat to Qingxiang’s army and Limu’s plan. Chi Guang, who was pursued by Xue Xiang, broke through Chai Rong’s defense alone, boosting the morale of Huang Quan’s army. Suo Ou’s containment was successful, but Chai Rong’s resilience surprised them.
Denrimi urged his troops to stop the enemy, but Ousen, supported by Sou’Ou and Akou, gained the upper hand. Despite the great strength of Shibashou, Ousen proved his army’s strength against Riboku’s. Observing the central battle, Riboku’s officers witnessed the reversal of the situation. Kitari, seeing Hango, ordered her troops to withdraw from the conflict.
Where can we read Kingdom Chapter 789?
You can find the latest version online, and luckily, the process of getting it is not complicated. Weekly Young Jump is a widely recognized platform for reading manga and is the go-to source for reading Kingdom.
The site is reputable and legal, offering free and accessible online manga content. If you’re interested in staying up to date with the Kingdom series, this platform ensures a reliable and user-friendly experience for readers.
Explore Chapter 789 and immerse yourself in the unfolding story on Weekly Young Jump’s trusted comic reading platform
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Category: Entertainment